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Rendering - Analyse - BERIO - Livre - Guides pratiques

Rendering - Analyse

Collection "Listening Lab" Volume 3 / Materials for communicating Music / Texte en anglais et allemand


Universal Edition

Référence: UE26317
Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9783702472542 - 9790008085857 - 803452069669

Préfacier : Constanze Wimmer
Helmut Schmidinger

65.10 €
Habituellement expédié sous
3-4 jours


30 jours pour changer d'avis !

Avis clients4.9
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Orchestra and concert promoters long for a public that is excited by music and curious about the modern repertoire. Today there are many ways to awaken this excitement. Musicians as well as music educators are forming new alliances to bring young people and adults into close contact with music. "Listening Lab" is a new series that offers practical and inspiring approaches for children, young people and adults. Music educators will find general tips for the creative design of programmes for music lovers as well as concrete suggestions that open up and allow for a depper understanding of each work.

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