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Music and the French Revolution - BOYD Malcolm (dir.) - Livre

Music and the French Revolution
BOYD Malcolm (dir.)

Livre en anglais

Livre - Broché

Cambridge University Press

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9780521081870

344 pages - Cambridge - 2008

41.50 €
• Expédition immédiate !

30 jours pour changer d'avis !

Avis clients4.9
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Rouget de Lisle's famous anthem, La Marseillaise, admirably reflects the confidence and enthusiasm of the early years of the French Revolution. But the effects on music of the Revolution and the events that followed it in France were more far-reaching than that. Hymns, chansons and even articles of the Constitution set to music in the form of vaudevilles all played their part in disseminating Revolutionary ideas and principles; music education was reorganized to compensate for the loss of courtly institutions and the weakened maitrises of cathedrals and churches.

Opera, in particular, was profoundly affected, in both its organization and its subject matter, by the events of 1789 and the succeeding decade. The essays in this book, written by specialists in the period, deal with all these aspects of music in Revolutionary France, highlighting the composers and writers who played a major role in the changes that took place there. They also identify some of the traditions and genres that survived the Revolution, and look at the effects on music of Napoleon's invasion of Italy.




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Le style classique : Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven

Tel, n° 310
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