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Looking and listening in nineteenth-century France

Looking and listening in nineteenth-century France
WARD Martha / LEONARD Anne

Livre - Broché

Smart Museum of Art, University of Chica

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9780935573442

104 p - 2007

Cet article n'est plus disponible à la vente.

Different eras experience art in different ways--often dramatically so. Looking and Listening in Nineteenth-Century France, the catalog to an exhibition at the Smart Museum of Art, uses a selection of prints, paintings, drawings, sculptures, and recorded music to demonstrate how new technological developments and changing social settings transformed the French experience of art in the nineteenth century. Treating a disparate range of subject matter from Joan of Arc to Homer, from concert audiences to comet sightings, the contributors provide a cultural context for this flowering of imagery concerned with looking and listening. They also explore how artists and composers sought to better capture the attention of their beholders and listeners.

Presenting the achievements of both well known artists (Daumier, Degas, Fantin-Latour, Vuillard) and lesser known figures in a fresh light, Looking and Listening in Nineteenth-Century France cuts to the heart of debates about the function of art and the role of audiences. The catalog includes a special CD compilation of music relating to the works in the exhibition, along with two bonus tracks of early recordings.




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