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Music, theater, and cultural transfer : Paris, 1830-1914

Music, theater, and cultural transfer : Paris, 1830-1914
Fauser Annegret / Everist Mark (sous la direction de)

Livre - Relié sous jaquette

University of Chicago Press

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9780226239262

456 p

63.00 €
• Expédition immédiate !

30 jours pour changer d'avis !

Avis clients4.9
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Opera and musical theater dominated French culture in the 1800s, and the influential stage music that emerged from this period helped make Paris, as Walter Benjamin put it, the “capital of the nineteenth century.” The fullest account available of this artistic ferment and its international impact, Music, Theater, and Cultural Transfer explores the diverse institutions that shaped Parisian music and extended its influence across Europe, the Americas, and Australia.

The contributors to this volume, who work in fields ranging from literature to theater to musicology, focus on the city’s musical theater scene as a whole rather than on individual theaters or repertories. Their broad range enables their collective examination of the ways in which all aspects of performance and reception were affected by the transfer of works, performers, and management models from one environment to another. By focusing on this interplay between institutions and individuals, the authors illuminate the tension between institutional conventions and artistic creation during the heady period when Parisian stage music reached its zenith.




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Mécènes et musiciens : du salon au concert à Paris sous la IIIe République

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