This four-language dictionary of music contains more than 4000 terms and is intended for musicians, teachers, students and amateurs who wish to understand and use specialist foreign terms. The book is not academic in scope; it is based on practical experience, derived from the examination of directions given on a large number of orchestral scores, piano pieces and transcriptions, and instrumental parts. In order to complement and clarify this vocabulary, specialist dictionaries and reference books have been consulted. Contemporary musical terms taken, for example, from the fields of jazz, pop and electronic music, have also been included.
MASSIN BRIGITTE / MASSIN JEAN Histoire de la musique occidentaleLes Indispensables de la musique
ABROMONT - DE MONTALEMBERT Guide des Genres de la Musique OccidentaleLivre - Théorie - Formation musicale
GUY SACRE La musique de piano, vol. 1 : A-IBouquins
GUY SACRE La musique de piano, vol. 2 : J-ZBouquins
JACQUES SIRON Dictionnaire des mots de la musique
JACQUES SIRON Bases : des mots aux sons
LE VOT GÉRARD Vocabulaire de la musique médiévaleMusique ouverte