The improvisation of musical dialogue : a phenomenology of music ELLIS BENSON Bruce
Livre en anglais
Livre - Broché
Cambridge University Press
216 p., 5.43 (w) x 8.50 (h) x 0.51 (d) - 2003
35.00 €
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"What takes place when a composer creates a piece of music? To what extent is a performer part of the creative process? Although the dominant paradigm for music making in our era has been that of creation and reproduction - in which composers are the true creators and performers primarily carry out their wishes - does that way of thinking reflect actual musical practice?" Succinct and lucid, not only will this important book be a provocative read for philosophers of art and musicologists, it should also appeal to general readers, especially those who compose and perform music.
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MULLER ROBERT DIR. Philosophie de la musique : imitation, sens, forme
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VLADIMIR JANKELEVITCH La présence lointaine : Albéniz, Séverac, MompouPoints - Essais, n° 912
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