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The inner game of music - GREEN Barry / GALLWEY Timothy - Livre

The inner game of music
GREEN Barry / GALLWEY Timothy

livre en anglais

Livre - Broché


Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9781447291725

248 pages - 1986

Cet article n'est plus disponible à la vente.

The bestselling guide to improving musical performance

The Inner Game of Music is the battle that all musicians have to fight against elusive opponents such as nervousness, self-doubt and fear of failure. Using the world-famous Inner Game principles, developed by bestselling author Timothy Gallwey, acclaimed musician Barry Green explains the basic principles of 'natural learning' and shows how you can apply them to reach a new level of musical application and performance.

In precise, easy to understand language, Green and Gallwey explain how natural skills - such as awareness, trust and willpower - can be nurtured and enhanced. Through a series of tailored exercises The Inner Game of Music demonstrates the ways in which musicians can achieve exact intonations, artistic phrasing and improved technique. There are also chapters on ensemble playing, improvisation, composition and creativity, as well as listening skills - an essential part of the Inner Game.
Following a methodology with a proven track record for generations of aspiring and professional musicians, The Inner Game of Music is invaluable to anyone seriously interested in music, and is guaranteed to deliver positive results whether you are a student, teacher, performer, or simply an appreciative listener.




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