Freedom and the arts : essays on music and literature Charles ROSEN
Livre en anglais
Livre - Relié sous jaquette
Harvard University Press
1 vol., 448 p., 6.50(w) x 9.30(h) x 1.50(d)
35.00 €
Habituellement expédié sous 12-13 jours
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Is there a moment in history when a work receives its ideal interpretation? Or is perpetual negotiation required to preserve the past and accommodate the present? The freedom of interpretation, Charles Rosen suggests in these sparkling explorations, exists in a delicate balance with fidelity to the identity of the original work.
JEAN DIWO Les violons du roiFolio, n° 2374
CHRISTIAN BINET Petites vacheries entre musiciens
CLAIRE OPPERT Le pansement Schubert
VIRGINIA WOOLF Le quatuor à cordes et autres nouvelles
TIXIER JEAN-CLAUDE Le journal d'une âme en bois
YOUDINA MARIA / SOUVTCHINSKY PIERRE Correspondance et documents (1959-1968)