The Cambridge companion to the violin Robin STOWELL
Livre en anglais
Livre - Broché
Cambridge University Press
320 pages , illustrations en noir et blanc - 1993
35.40 €
• Expédition immédiate !
• 30 jours pour changer d'avis !
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The Cambridge Companion to the Violin offers students, performers and scholars a fascinating and composite survey of the history and repertory of the instrument from its origins to the present day. The volume comprises fifteen essays, written by a team of ten specialists, and is intended to develop the violin's historical perspective in breadth from every relevant angle. The main subjects discussed include the instrument's structure and development; its fundamental accoustical properties; principal exponents; technique and teaching methods; solo and ensemble repertory; pedagogical literature; traditions in folk music and jazz; and aspects of historical performing practice. The text is supported by numerous illustrations and diagrams as well as music examples, a useful appendix, glossary of technical terms and an extensive bibliography.