The Cambridge companion to the violin Robin STOWELL
Livre en anglais
Livre - Broché
Cambridge University Press
320 pages , illustrations en noir et blanc - 1993
35.40 €
• Expédition immédiate !
• 30 jours pour changer d'avis !
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The Cambridge Companion to the Violin offers students, performers and scholars a fascinating and composite survey of the history and repertory of the instrument from its origins to the present day. The volume comprises fifteen essays, written by a team of ten specialists, and is intended to develop the violin's historical perspective in breadth from every relevant angle. The main subjects discussed include the instrument's structure and development; its fundamental accoustical properties; principal exponents; technique and teaching methods; solo and ensemble repertory; pedagogical literature; traditions in folk music and jazz; and aspects of historical performing practice. The text is supported by numerous illustrations and diagrams as well as music examples, a useful appendix, glossary of technical terms and an extensive bibliography.
XAVIER GAGNEPAIN Du musicien en général... au violoncelliste en particulierTransmission
PAUL ROLLAND L'enseignement du mouvement dans le jeu des cordes
DOMINIQUE HOPPENOT le violon intérieurLivre
GALPÉRINE ALEXIS / REVERDITO-HAAS ANA Un cursus de 10 ans à la classe de violon
LYSE VÉZINA Le violoncelle : ses origines, son histoire, ses interprètes
MOLKHOU JEAN-MICHEL Les grands violonistes du XXe siècle, Tome 1: 1875-1947Musique
YEHUDI MENUHIN L'art de jouer du violon Musique
SULEM REINE-BRIGITTE Physiologie et art du violonMédecine des arts