On the Principles and Practice of Conducting Markand THAKAR
livre en anglais
Livre - Relié sous jaquette
University of Rochester Press
156p - 2016
43.10 €
Habituellement expédié sous 12-13 jours
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On the Principles and Practice of Conducting is a practical manual for building musical understanding and physical skills, intended for anyone who stands on a podium with the intention of helping an ensemble make music. The four main chapters address the major obligations of the conductor: 1) bringing the musical tones to life in the most expressive way possible; 2) clearing the mind in order to fully hear the tones; 3) ridding the body of unnecessary tension; and 4) successfully connecting the physical gestures to the sounds
Each chapter begins with a summary of the underlying principles, going on to present real-life applications and offer exercises for developing skills. Video demonstrations of the exercises as well as downloadable scores and parts are available on a companion website. The parts, in multiple transpositions, allow for hands-on experience where standard instrumental complements are unavailable.
Markand Thakar is music director of the Baltimore Chamber Orchestra and a member of the graduate conducting faculty at the Peabody Conservatory. A protégé of the legendary Sergiu Celibidache and former assistant conductor of the New York Philharmonic, his annual conductor training programs draw hundreds of students from around the world.
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