The Cambridge companion to the cello STOWELL Robin dir.
New Edition (livre en anglais)
Livre - Broché
Cambridge University Press
1 vol. (288 p.) - 2007
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This is a compact, composite and authoritative survey of the history and development of the cello from its origins to the present day. Its carefully structured series of thirteen essays deals with the history and construction of the cello and bow, discusses the careers of the most distinguished cellists through history, surveys the repertory of the instrument in unprecedented detail and reviews teaching methods, technical developments and issues of performance practice. It is the most comprehensive book ever to be published about the instrument.
CORRE PASCAL LE l' Art du TracLivre
ÉLISABETH BRISSON La musiqueBelin Poche
ULRICH MICHELS Guide illustré de la musique, volume 1Les indispensables de la musique
ULRICH MICHELS Guide illustré de la musique, volume 2Les Indispensables de la musique
XAVIER GAGNEPAIN Du musicien en général... au violoncelliste en particulierTransmission
ABROMONT Petit précis du Commentaire d'écouteLivre - Théorie - Formation Musicale
PAUL ROLLAND L'enseignement du mouvement dans le jeu des cordes