Studies in Baroque - Festschrift Ton Koopman COLLECTIF
Livre bilingue anglais et allemand
Livre - Relié
Référence: BuB 16
1 vol. (391 p.) - 2014
36.80 €
• Expédition immédiate !
• 30 jours pour changer d'avis !
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Ton Koopman is one of the world’s best known and most recognised experts, particularly in baroque and classical music. The friendly conductor, organist and harpsichord player is celebrating his 70th birthday on 2nd october, and his colleagues and friends decided to mark this by publishing a veritable and compendious Festschrift.
Inevitably, the focus of the total of 19 essays (including a discography and bibliography), which have been written by leading international academics and practitioners, is on Bach and the organ/organ music, but they also touch on the fine arts and theology.
A new publication which is a must for every musician’s (and music lover’s) library.
NIKOLAUS HARNONCOURT Le discours musical : pour une nouvelle conception de la musique Tel
VEILHAN JEAN-CLAUDE Les règles de l'interprétation musicale à l'époque baroque
DOUSSOT JOËLLE-ELMYRE Vocabulaire de l'ornementation baroqueMusique ouverte - Série vocabulaire
NIKOLAUS HARNONCOURT Le dialogue musical : Monteverdi, Bach et MozartArcades, n° 7
PALISCA CLAUDE V. La Musique BaroqueMusique
LAURENT FICHET Le langage musical baroque : éléments et structures Musique ouverte
ALIZON JEAN-FRANÇOIS Aborder le répertoire baroque sur la flûteSciences de l'éducation musicale
SADIE JULIE ANNE (DIR.) Guide de la musique baroqueLes Indispensables de la musique