Spirited Wind Playing: The Performance Dimension Kim WALKER
Livre - Broché
Indiana University Press
1 vol. (354 p.) - 2016
42.00 €
Habituellement expédié sous 12-13 jours
• 30 jours pour changer d'avis !
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Peppered with tips, helpful hints, and personal anecdotes to illustrate real-life application, this performance guide is essential for any wind player interested in taking his or her virtuosity to the next level. Internationally renowned bassoonist Kim Walker has compiled into one book the teachings and exercises that have made her known as an expert on bassoon performance, practice, and instruction. From basics like posture, breathing techniques, and articulation to a survey of the performance practices of key woodwind and brass masters, Walker includes an analysis of each technique along with images and exercises that present the mechanics of each method.
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