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A companion to Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas - TOVEY Donald Francis

A companion to Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas
TOVEY Donald Francis

A bar-by-bar analysis of Harold Craxton's edition of the Complete pianoforte sonatas

Revised edition with preface and notes by Barry Cooper

Nouvelle édition

Édition originale : 1931 Livre en anglais

Livre - Broché


Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9781860960864

Préfacier : Barry Cooper
290 pages - Norwich - 2015

30.50 €
Habituellement expédié sous
2-3 jours

30 jours pour changer d'avis !

Avis clients4.9
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Professor Sir Donald Tovey's celebrated bar-by-bar analysis of Beethoven's 32 Pianoforte Sonatasremains a key text for pianists, students, scholars and music lovers. Intended as a companion to the ABRSM's Complete Pianoforte Sonatas edition - edited by Harold Craxton but with each work prefaced by Tovey's practical and critical notes - the book contains a succinct and illuminating summary of the author's analytical approach before each sonata is dealt with in detail. This new imprint is prefaced with an introduction by Dr Barry Cooper, Lecturer in the Music Department of Manchester University. Tovey's text is reproduced faithfully; however, Dr Cooper has added footnotes to correct errors of fact or to qualify conclusions drawn by Tovey that the passage of time, since the book was first published in 1931, has suggested might be questionable. With the re-issue of this book, Tovey's famed insight, commonsense and wit will continue to enlighten and entertain the author's devotees, as well as a new generation of performers and students.




PARIS : 10 balades sur les pas des compositeurs - Laurence WINTHROPLAURENCE WINTHROP
PARIS : 10 balades sur les pas des compositeurs

Paris utile

Brahms par ses lettres Christophe LOOTEN Livre Les HommesCHRISTOPHE LOOTEN
Brahms par ses lettres

Fondements de la composition musicale - SCHOENBERG - LivreSCHOENBERG
Fondements de la composition musicale

Chopin vu par ses élèves EIGELDINGER Jean-Jacques Livre Les HommesEIGELDINGER JEAN-JACQUES
Chopin vu par ses élèves

Les grandes études historiques
Traité d'harmonie SCHOENBERG Livre Les HommesSCHOENBERG
Traité d'harmonie

Analyse des oeuvres pour piano de Maurice RavelMESSIAEN OLIVIER / LORIOT-MESSIAEN YVONNE
Analyse des oeuvres pour piano de Maurice Ravel

Technique de mon langage musical MESSIAEN Livre Analyse musicaleMESSIAEN
Technique de mon langage musical

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