Music, Sound and Filmmakers: Sonic Style in Cinema James WIERZBICKI
Livre - Broché
232 pages
44.30 €
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Music, Sound and Filmmakers: Sonic Style in Cinema is a collection of essays that examine the work of filmmakers whose concern is not just for the eye, but also for the ear. The bulk of the text focuses on the work of directors Wes Anderson, Ingmar Bergman, the Coen brothers, Peter Greenaway, Krzysztof Kie?lowski, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino, Andrey Tarkovsky and Gus Van Sant. Significantly, the anthology includes a discussion of films administratively controlled by such famously sound-conscious producers as David O. Selznick and Val Lewton. Written by the leading film music scholars from Europe, North America, and Australia, Music, Sound and Filmmakers: Sonic Style in Cinema will complement other volumes in Film Music coursework, or stand on its own among a body of research.
MAURICE COIGNARD La musique et l'image
GIMELLO-MESPLOMB FRÉDÉRIC (DIR.) Analyser la musique de film : méthodes, pratiques, pédagogie
COLLECTIF Cinéma et musique, accords parfaitsCaméras subjectives
MICHEL CHION La musique au cinéma Les chemins de la musique
MORRICONE ENNIO / DE ROSA ALESSANDRO Ma musique, ma vie : à la recherche de ce son
ROSSI JÉRÔME DIR. La Musique de film en France: courants, spécificités, évolutions
JÉRÔME ROSSI L'analyse de la musique de film : histoire, concepts et méthodes Symétrie recherche. Série 20-21
ALEXANDRE RAVELEAU Musiques de films : une autre histoire du cinéma Chroniques thématiques