Performative analysis : reimagining music theory for performance Jeffrey SWINKIN
Livre en anglais
Livre - Relié
University of Rochester Press
Référence: 9781580465267
268 pages ; illustrations en noir et blanc - 2016
93.00 €
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This book proposes a model for understanding the musical work in which both analysis-based and performance-based modes of interpretation are integral to the work. Jeffrey Swinkin explores the important role that performance plays in elucidating a work and argues for the performative nature of music analysis itself, focusing in particular on Schenkerian analysis. Swinkin's aim is to show that music analysis is grounded in the same kinds of physical and emotional experiences that performers are necessarily concerned to project. Analysis and performance are thus deeply compatible and can enjoy an equitable, fruitful relationship. The first three chapters theorize this stance; the last three apply it to works by Chopin, Beethoven, and Schumann, respectively.
CLAUDE ABROMONT Guide de l'analyse musicale Musiques
GONIN FRÉDÉRIC / LE TOUZÉ DENIS Manuel d'analyse harmonique et tonale
ASSELIN PIERRE-YVES Musique et tempérament
MESSIAEN Technique de mon langage musical
GOUTTENOIRE PHILIPPE / GUYE JEAN-PHILIPPE Vocabulaire pratique d'analyse musicale
IVANKA STOÏANOVA Manuel d'analyse musicale, vol. 1 : Les formes classiques simples et complexesMusique ouverte
JOACHIM BURMEISTER Poétique musicaleRythmologies
IVANKA STOÏANOVA Manuel d'analyse musicale, vol. 2 : Variations, sonates, formes cycliquesMusique ouverte