The Jewish Culture League was created in Berlin in June 1933, the only organization in Nazi Germany in which Jews were not only allowed but encouraged to participate in music, both as performers and as audience members. Lily E. Hirsch's A Jewish Orchestra in Nazi Germany is the first book to seriously investigate and parse the complicated questions the existence of this unique organization raised, such as why the Nazis would promote Jewish music when, in the rest of Germany, it was banned. The government's insistence that the League perform only Jewish music also presented the organization's leaders and membership with perplexing conundrums: what exactly is Jewish music? Who qualifies as a Jewish composer ? And, if it is true that the Nazis conceived of the League as a propaganda tool, did Jewish participation in its activities amount to collaboration ?
GILLES CANTAGREL Les Cantates de J-S BachLivre
BERNADETTE LESPINARD Les passions du choeur Les chemins de la musique
JACQUES VIRET Le chant grégorien : des origines à nos joursEyrolles pratique
JACQUES VIRET Diaphonia n° 1 : Les premières polyphonies (800-1100)
JACQUES VIRET Diaphonia n° 2 : l'École de Notre-Dame et ses conduits polyphoniques (1170-1230)
JACQUES VIRET La modalité grégorienne : un langage pour quel message ?