French organ music : from the revolution to Franck and Widor ARCHBOLD Lawrence / PETERSON William J. (sous la dir. de)
Livre en anglais
Livre - Broché
University of Rochester Press
320 pages
56.80 €
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Nineteenth-century French organ music attracts an ever-increasing number of performers and devotees. The music of Cesar Franck and other distinguished composers-Boely, Guilmant, Widor-and the impact upon this repertoire of the organ-building achievements achievements of Aristide Cavaille-Coll, are here explored through stylistic analysis, the study of the compositional process, and the exploration of how ideas about organ technique and performance practice traditions developed and became codified. New consideration is also given to the political and cultural contexts within which Franck and other French organist-composers worked. Contributors: Kimberley Marshall, William J. Peterson, Benjamin Van Wye, Craig Cramer, Jesse E. Eschbach, Karen Hastings-Deans, Marie-Louise Jaquet-Langlais, Daniel Roth, Edward Zimmerman, Lawrence Archbold, Rollin Smith.
CHRISTIAN ROBERT Traité de registration à l'orgue
LOUIS THIRY Ma forêt musicale
DE PARCEVAUX ANNE-ISABELLE Charles-Marie WidorHorizons
REVUE L'Orgue n°321-324 (2018/I-IV)Chroniques
ISABELLE SEBAH L'orgue et l'organiste, une complicité tumultueuse