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A history of singing - POTTER John / SORRELL Neil - Livre

A history of singing

Livre en anglais

Livre - Broché

Cambridge University Press

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9781107630093

358 pages - Cambridge - 2014

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31.00 €
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Why do we sing and what first drove early humans to sing ? How might they have sung and how might those styles have survived to the present day ? This history addresses these questions and many more, examining singing as a historical and cross-cultural phenomenon. It explores the evolution of singing in a global context - from Neanderthal Man to Auto-tune via the infinite varieties of world music from Orient to Occident, classical music from medieval music to the avant-garde and popular music from vaudeville to rock and beyond. Considering singing as a universal human activity, the book provides an in-depth perspective on singing from many cultures and periods: Western and non-Western, prehistoric to present. Written in a lively and entertaining style, the history contains a comprehensive reference section for those who wish to explore the topic further and will appeal to an international readership of singers, students and scholars.




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