Music and culture in the Middle Ages and Beyond BRAND Benjamin / ROTHENBERG David J.
Liturgy, sources, symbolism
Livre en anglais
Livre - Relié sous jaquette
Cambridge University Press
372 pages ; illustrations en noir et blanc - Cambridge - 2016
83.70 €
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It has become widely accepted among musicologists that medieval music is most profitably studied from interdisciplinary perspectives that situate it within broad cultural contexts. The origins of this consensus lie in a decisive reorientation of the field that began approximately four decades ago. For much of the twentieth century, research on medieval music had focused on the discovery and evaluation of musical and theoretical sources. The 1970s and 1980s, by contrast, witnessed calls for broader methodologies and more fully contextual approaches that in turn anticipated the emergence of the so-called 'New Musicology'. The fifteen essays in the present collection explore three interrelated areas of inquiry that proved particularly significant: the liturgy, sources (musical and archival), and musical symbolism. In so doing, these essays not only acknowledge past achievements but also illustrate how this broad, interdisciplinary approach remains a source for scholarly innovation.
OLIVIER TRACHIER Aide-mémoire du contrepoint du XVIème siècle
DIEGO ORTIZ Trattado de Glosas (1553) Renaissance et période préclassique - domaine espagnol, 1
FERRAND FRANÇOISE DIR. Guide de la musique du Moyen-AgeLes indispensables de la musique
FRANÇOISE FERRAND Guide de la musique de la RenaissanceLes indispensables de la musique
GIULIO CACCINI Le nuove musiche (1602) AMICUS
WILLIAM DONGOIS Semplice ou passeggiato
COLETTE MARIE-NOËLLE / VENDRIX PHILIPPE Histoire de la notation du Moyen-Age à la RenaissanceMusique ouverte
LE VOT GÉRARD Vocabulaire de la musique médiévaleMusique ouverte