An essential resource for scholars and performers, this study by a world-renowned specialist illuminates the piano music of four major French composers, in comparative and reciprocal context. Howat explores the musical language and artistic ethos of this repertoire, juxtaposing structural analysis with editorial and performing issues. He also relates his four composers historically and stylistically to such predecessors as Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, the French harpsichord school, and Russian and Spanish music.
JOHANN PUPPETTO Progresser plus vite au piano
ALEXANDRE SOREL L'art de jouer du piano
CONIL / PASCAL / RIGNOL 10 Ans Avec le Piano des XVIIIe et XIXe SièclesLivre
CONIL ROLAND / PASCAL DENIS / RIGNOL FRANÇOIS-MICHEL 10 ans avec le piano des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles10 ans avec
BOUTHINON-DUMAS BRIGITTE Mémoire d’empreintes, vol. 2 : à l’écoute des deux mains
OLIVIER BELLAMY Dictionnaire amoureux du PianoDictionnaire amoureux