Every guitarist dreams of owning a handmade instrument, but for most, the cost is likely to be prohibitive. The alternative – building your own fine guitar – is not as difficult as you might imagine, given some skill,patience, and the expert guidance of a master luthier. Every step of construction is fully covered, from choice, selection, and preparation of woods, to consideration of size, bracing, and tonal qualities. Each step of thebuilding sequence is clearly photographed in color, with variations to the standard design shown to enable you to personalize your instrument as you make it.
XAVIER GAGNEPAIN Du musicien en général... au violoncelliste en particulierTransmission
PAUL ROLLAND L'enseignement du mouvement dans le jeu des cordes
DOMINIQUE HOPPENOT le violon intérieurLivre
GALPÉRINE ALEXIS / REVERDITO-HAAS ANA Un cursus de 10 ans à la classe de violon
LYSE VÉZINA Le violoncelle : ses origines, son histoire, ses interprètes
MOLKHOU JEAN-MICHEL Les grands violonistes du XXe siècle, Tome 1: 1875-1947Musique
YEHUDI MENUHIN L'art de jouer du violon Musique
SULEM REINE-BRIGITTE Physiologie et art du violonMédecine des arts