The dawn of music semiology DUNSBY Jonathan / GOLDMAN Jonathan
Essays in honor of Jean-Jacques Nattiez
Livre en anglais
Livre - Relié
University of Rochester Press
Référence: 9781580465625
323 pages ; illustrations en noir et blanc - Rochester - 2017
99.00 €
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The Dawn of Music Semiology showcases the work of nine leading musicologists, inspired by the work of Jean-Jacques Nattiez, the founding father of music semiology. Now entering its fifth decade as Nattiez enters his eighth, music semiology, or music semiotics, is still a young, vibrant field, and this book reflects its energy and diversity. It appeals to readers wanting to explore the meaning of music in our lives and to understand the ways of appreciating the complexities that lie behind its simple beauty and direct impact on us. Following a preface by Pierre Boulez and an introduction by the editors, nine chapters discuss the latest thinking about general considerations such as music and gesture, the psychology of music, and the role of ethnotheory. The volume offers new research on topics as diverse as modeling folk polyphony, spatialization in the Darmstadt repertoire, Schenker's theory of musical content, compositional modernism from Wagner to Boulez, current music theory terminology, and Maderna's use of folk music in serial composition.
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DE LALEU ALIETTE Mozart était une femme : histoire de la musique classique au féminin Documents
BIGAND EMMANUELLE / TILLMANN BARBARA La Symphonie NeuronaleSociété - Quoi de neuf en sciences ?
BOSSEUR JEAN-YVES Du son au signe : histoire de la notation musicalePensée musicale
BEFFA KAROL / PERRY-SALKOW JACQUES Anagrammes à quatre mains
EMMANUEL REIBEL Nature et musique
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