This volume presents 34 studies (750p) in English, French, and Italian, assembled as a tribute by friends and former students from around the world to the late Frank Dobbins (1943-2012), distinguished scholar of the French chanson in early modern Europe. The book is built around studies of music in the Renaissance and Baroque periods (which form the core of the book), together with contributions about music composed between the second half of the eighteenth century and the twentieth centuries; these reflect both the wide-ranging variety of Frank’s interests, and the range of his friendships. Secular, sacred, vocal, and instrumental music are all treated, while individual essays focus upon codicology, music printing and editing, music analysis, music theory, text-setting, biography, music and literature, music and theology, and both the reception and sociology of music. They include major discoveries about the diffusion of Jacques Moderne’s choirbooks, Josquin’s music, and musical and archival sources, while a number cast new light on different repertories.
Contributors :
C. Ballman, I. Bartlett, C. Cavicchi, D. Charlton, A. Coeurdevey, M. Cornaz, E. Corswarem. A. Di Profio, J. Duchamp, M. Egan-Buffet, D. Fabris, I. Fenlon, F. Fitch, M. M. Fontaine, G. Garden, O. Grellety Bosviel, J. Griffiths, L. Guillo, F. Guilloux, M. Ham, R. Jacob, T. Knighton, G. Mc Donald, F. de Médicis, P. Nicolas, L. Sawkins, A. Scarcez, K. Schiltz, M. Talbot, A. Tacaille, S. Thieffry, D. Trottier, H. Vanhulst, O. Wahnon de Oliveira, D. Wright, V. Zara.
DIEGO ORTIZ Trattado de Glosas (1553) Renaissance et période préclassique - domaine espagnol, 1
OLIVIER TRACHIER Aide-mémoire du contrepoint du XVIème siècle
FERRAND FRANÇOISE DIR. Guide de la musique du Moyen-AgeLes indispensables de la musique
FRANÇOISE FERRAND Guide de la musique de la RenaissanceLes indispensables de la musique
GIULIO CACCINI Le nuove musiche (1602) AMICUS
WILLIAM DONGOIS Semplice ou passeggiato
COLETTE MARIE-NOËLLE / VENDRIX PHILIPPE Histoire de la notation du Moyen-Age à la RenaissanceMusique ouverte
LE VOT GÉRARD Vocabulaire de la musique médiévaleMusique ouverte