On the Track offers a comprehensive guide to scoring for film and television. Covering all styles and genres, the authors, both noted film composers, cover everything from the nuts-and-bolts of timing, cuing, and recording through balancing the composer's aesthetic vision with the needs of the film itself. Unlike other books that are aimed at the person "dreaming" of a career, this is truly a guide that can be used by everyone from students to technically sophisticated professionals. It contains over 100 interviews with noted composers, illustrating the many technical points made through the text.
MAURICE COIGNARD La musique et l'image
GIMELLO-MESPLOMB FRÉDÉRIC (DIR.) Analyser la musique de film : méthodes, pratiques, pédagogie
COLLECTIF Cinéma et musique, accords parfaitsCaméras subjectives
MICHEL CHION La musique au cinéma Les chemins de la musique
MORRICONE ENNIO / DE ROSA ALESSANDRO Ma musique, ma vie : à la recherche de ce son
ROSSI JÉRÔME DIR. La Musique de film en France: courants, spécificités, évolutions
JÉRÔME ROSSI L'analyse de la musique de film : histoire, concepts et méthodes Symétrie recherche. Série 20-21
ALEXANDRE RAVELEAU Musiques de films : une autre histoire du cinéma Chroniques thématiques