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Lutoslawski's worlds - JAKELSKI Lisa / REYLAND Nicholas (ed.) - Livre

Lutoslawski's worlds
JAKELSKI Lisa / REYLAND Nicholas (ed.)

Livre en anglais

Livre - Relié

Boydell Press

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9781783271986

422 pages ; illustrations en noir et blanc - 2018

75.00 €
Habituellement expédié sous
12-13 jours

30 jours pour changer d'avis !

Avis clients4.9
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Witold Lutoslawski (1913-1994) was one of the most important composers of the twentieth century. His significance extends far beyond his native Poland: his classical music was premiered by internationally renowned performers like the LaSalle Quartet and Krystian Zimerman, and his symphonies, concertante, chamber, instrumental and vocal music are produced by the leading labels of the recording industry. Lutoslawski's vita is just as captivating as his compositionally path-breaking music. He lived through the Second World War and brutal German oppression of Poland, negotiated the challenges of Soviet influence and fluctuating local politics during Poland's post-war transition to communism, and finally strove for a new voice in the post-Stalin Thaw of the mid-1950s.

Lutoslawski's Worlds is a landmark volume which looks at the multi-faceted spheres that informed the composer's life and works and represents a new departure in the study of his music. Throughout his life, he steered musicologists away from the connections between his extraordinary biography and concert music. He also sought to minimize scholarly attention to the many other spheres of creative activity - popular music, theatre music, film scoring, propaganda music, and educational music - that occupied him. In this volume, for the first time, the world's leading Lutoslawski scholars consider the full range of his musical output and the biographical, cultural and historical contexts in which those musics were created. It contends that all of Lutoslawski's worlds are equally worthy of study, because each represents an opportunity better to understand the life and music of a figure of paramount importance to the critical and cultural history of twentieth-century music. LISA JAKELSKI is Associate Professor of Musicology at the Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester.




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