Exploring research in music education & music therapy PHILLIPS Kenneth H.
Livre en anglais
Livre - Broché
Oxford University Press
384 Pages, 25 illustrations
23,5x15,6 cm
48.00 €
Habituellement expédié sous 2-3 jours
• 30 jours pour changer d'avis !
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This practical text provides a comprehensive introduction to understanding research in music education and music therapy. Designed primarily for the introductory research course taken by upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, it is also useful for all interested undergraduates in both fields. In contrast with traditional "how to" textbooks, Exploring Research in Music Education and Music Therapy adopts a unique "how to read and comprehend" approach to music research. It helps students explore and understand articles in professional research journals, familiarizing them with the literature itself and with basic concepts, terms, and statistical symbols.
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