The Cambridge History of 16th century Music FENLON Iain / WISTREICH Richard (ed.)
Livre - Relié sous jaquette
Cambridge University Press
526 pages ; illustrations en noir et blanc - Cambridge
144.00 €
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Part of the seminal Cambridge History of Music series, this volume departs from standard histories of early modern Western music in two important ways. First, it considers music as something primarily experienced by people in their daily lives, whether as musicians or listeners, and as something that happened in particular locations, and different intellectual and ideological contexts, rather than as a story of genres, individual counties, and composers and their works. Second, by constraining discussion within the limits of a 100-year timespan, the music culture of the sixteenth century is freed from its conventional (and tenuous) absorption within the abstraction of 'the Renaissance', and is understood in terms of recent developments in the broader narrative of this turbulent period of European history. Both an original take on a well-known period in early music and a key work of reference for scholars, this volume makes an important contribution to the history of music.
DIEGO ORTIZ Trattado de Glosas (1553) Renaissance et période préclassique - domaine espagnol, 1
OLIVIER TRACHIER Aide-mémoire du contrepoint du XVIème siècle
FERRAND FRANÇOISE DIR. Guide de la musique du Moyen-AgeLes indispensables de la musique
FRANÇOISE FERRAND Guide de la musique de la RenaissanceLes indispensables de la musique
GIULIO CACCINI Le nuove musiche (1602) AMICUS
WILLIAM DONGOIS Semplice ou passeggiato
COLETTE MARIE-NOËLLE / VENDRIX PHILIPPE Histoire de la notation du Moyen-Age à la RenaissanceMusique ouverte
LE VOT GÉRARD Vocabulaire de la musique médiévaleMusique ouverte