Edward Elgar : A Thematic Catalogue and Research Guide Christopher KENT
2nde édition
Livre - Relié
524 pages
234.00 €
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This updated second edition is an in-depth exploration of Elgar's compositions and of writings by and about the composer and his music. The past 16 years have seen a steady increase in scholarly publications and the emergence of The Elgar Society Journal, as well as further discoveries of the composer's MSS and letters, and the new edition incorporates this latest research. The compositions are examined in a work-by-work catalog, in chronological order, in which each entry gives a complete census and collation of manuscript, proof, text, biographical, printed edition and bibliographical sources for each item. The listing also includes unfinished sketches and details of much unpublished material. The bibliography section covers selected established literature as well as details of reviews and articles contained in the European periodicals at the climax of Elgar's career.
LAURENCE WINTHROP PARIS : 10 balades sur les pas des compositeursParis utile
CHRISTOPHE LOOTEN Brahms par ses lettres
SCHOENBERG Fondements de la composition musicalePédago
EIGELDINGER JEAN-JACQUES Chopin vu par ses élèvesLes grandes études historiques
SCHOENBERG Traité d'harmoniePédago
MESSIAEN OLIVIER / LORIOT-MESSIAEN YVONNE Analyse des oeuvres pour piano de Maurice Ravel