Widor on organ performance practice and technique NEAR John R.
Livre - Relié
University of Rochester Press
168 pages
108.90 €
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Widor's pedagogical writings, translated for the first time, offer essential guidance for interpreting his organ compositions as well as those of his followers in the French Romantic organ school.
Renowned organist, composer, and Paris Conservatory professor Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937) was a leading figure of the French Romantic organ school. In the extensive Preface he wrote for his edition of the complete organ worksof J. S. Bach, Widor conveyed what he considered to be the essential maxims of organ performance practice and technique. Given that he felt that "the art of organ playing has not changed at all since Johann Sebastian Bach," the principles detailed in his highly articulate writings can be seen today as relevant to his own organ compositions as well as those of his circle of followers.
In Widor on Organ Performance Practice and Technique,John Near translates for the first time all the statements from Widor's Bach Preface that reflect his distinctive and influential approach to performance style and artistic awareness. Correlative source material that clarifies andaugments these passages is included after the translations.
To complement the pedagogical material and bring a broader view of Widor's involvement in all things pertaining to the organ, his four most significant writings about the organ and organ playing are included in the appendixes.
CHRISTIAN ROBERT Traité de registration à l'orgue
LOUIS THIRY Ma forêt musicale
DE PARCEVAUX ANNE-ISABELLE Charles-Marie WidorHorizons
REVUE L'Orgue n°321-324 (2018/I-IV)Chroniques
ISABELLE SEBAH L'orgue et l'organiste, une complicité tumultueuse