Preeminant gamelan performer and scholar Sumarsam explores the concept of hybridity in performance traditions that have developed in the context of Javanese encounters with the West. Javanese Gamelan and the West studies the meaning, forms, and traditions of the Javanese performing arts as they developed and changed through their contact with Western culture. Authored by a gamelan performer, teacher, and scholar, the book traces the adaptations in gamelan art as a result of Western colonialism in nineteenth-century Java, showing how Western musical and dramatic practices were domesticated by Javanese performers creating hybrid Javanese-Western art forms, such as with the introduction of brass bands in gendhing mares court music and West Javanese tanjidor, and Western theatrical idioms in contemporary wayang puppet plays. The book also examines the presentation of Javanese gamelan to the West, detailing performances in World's Fairs and American academia and considering its influence on Western performing arts and musical and performance studies. The end result is a comprehensive treatment of the formation of modern Javanese gamelan and a fascinating look at how an art form dramatizes changes and developments in a culture.
PATRICK MOUTAL Hindustani Raga Sangeet
JEAN DURING L'âme des sons : l'art unique d'Ostad Elahi (1895-1974)
FRANÇOIS AUBOUX L'art du ragaMusique ouverte
KAPUSCINSKI JAROSLAW / ROSE FRANÇOIS Le temps et le timbre dans la musique de gagakuUnivers musical
BRUNO DESCHENES Le shakuhachi japonais
NOËL PERI Essai sur les gammes japonaises
LIAO LIN-NI Fusion du temps : passé-présent, Extrême Orient-Extrême OccidentPensée musicale
MERATI MOHAMMAD ALI Les maqâms anciens et les instruments la musique kurde d'Iran et d'Irak