What is Gregorian chant, and where does it come from? What purpose does it serve, and how did it take on the form and features which make it instantly recognizable? Designed to guide students through this key topic, this book answers these questions and many more. David Hiley describes the church services in which chant is performed, takes the reader through the church year, explains what Latin texts were used, and, taking Worcester Cathedral as an example, describes the buildings in which it was sung. The history of chant is traced from its beginnings in the early centuries of Christianity, through the Middle Ages, the revisions in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the restoration in the nineteenth and twentieth. Using numerous music examples, the book shows how chants are made and how they were notated. An indispensable guide for all those interested in the fascinating world of Gregorian chant.
OLIVIER TRACHIER Aide-mémoire du contrepoint du XVIème siècle
DIEGO ORTIZ Trattado de Glosas (1553) Renaissance et période préclassique - domaine espagnol, 1
FERRAND FRANÇOISE DIR. Guide de la musique du Moyen-AgeLes indispensables de la musique
FRANÇOISE FERRAND Guide de la musique de la RenaissanceLes indispensables de la musique
GIULIO CACCINI Le nuove musiche (1602) AMICUS
WILLIAM DONGOIS Semplice ou passeggiato
COLETTE MARIE-NOËLLE / VENDRIX PHILIPPE Histoire de la notation du Moyen-Age à la RenaissanceMusique ouverte
LE VOT GÉRARD Vocabulaire de la musique médiévaleMusique ouverte