The Cambridge Companion to Video Game Music FRITSCH Melanie / SUMMERS Tim
Livre - Broché
Cambridge University Press
372 pages
34.00 €
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Video game music has been permeating popular culture for over forty years. Now, reaching billions of listeners, game music encompasses a diverse spectrum of musical materials and practices. This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date survey of video game music by a diverse group of scholars and industry professionals. The chapters and summaries consolidate existing knowledge and present tools for readers to engage with the music in new ways. Many popular games are analysed, including Super Mario Galaxy, Bastion, The Last of Us, Kentucky Route Zero and the Katamari, Gran Turismo and Tales series. Topics include chiptunes, compositional processes, localization, history and game music concerts. The book also engages with other disciplines such as psychology, music analysis, business strategy and critical theory, and will prove an equally valuable resource for readers active in the industry, composers or designers, and music students and scholars.
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PAUL GRIFFITHS Brève histoire de la musique moderneLivre
CHIMÈNES MYRIAM DIR. / SIMON YANNICK DIR. La musique à Paris sous l'OccupationMusique
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