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Robert Schumann : life and death of a musician - John WORTHEN - Livre

Robert Schumann : life and death of a musician

Livre en anglais

Livre - Broché


Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9780300163988

496 p., 6.10 (w) x 9.20 (h) x 1.60 (d) - 2010

31.60 €
Habituellement expédié sous
12-13 jours

30 jours pour changer d'avis !

Avis clients4.9
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This candid, intimate, and compellingly written new biography offers a fresh account of Robert Schumann’s life. It confronts the traditional perception of the doom-laden Romantic, forced by depression into a life of helpless, poignant sadness. John Worthen’s scrupulous attention to the original sources reveals Schumann to have been an astute, witty, articulate, and immensely determined individual, who—with little support from his family and friends in provincial Saxony—painstakingly taught himself his craft as a musician, overcame problem after problem in his professional life, and married the woman he loved after a tremendous battle with her father. Schumann was neither manic depressive nor schizophrenic, although he struggled with mental illness. He worked prodigiously hard to develop his range of musical styles and to earn his living, only to be struck down, at the age of forty-four, by a vile and incurable disease.

Worthen’s biography effectively de-mystifies a figure frequently regarded as a Romantic enigma. It frees Schumann from 150 years of mythmaking and unjustified psychological speculation. It reveals him, for the first time, as a brilliant, passionate, resolute musician and a thoroughly creative human being, the composer of arguably the best music of his generation.




PARIS : 10 balades sur les pas des compositeurs - Laurence WINTHROPLAURENCE WINTHROP
PARIS : 10 balades sur les pas des compositeurs

Paris utile

Brahms par ses lettres Christophe LOOTEN Livre Les HommesCHRISTOPHE LOOTEN
Brahms par ses lettres

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Fondements de la composition musicale

Chopin vu par ses élèves EIGELDINGER Jean-Jacques Livre Les HommesEIGELDINGER JEAN-JACQUES
Chopin vu par ses élèves

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Traité d'harmonie

Analyse des oeuvres pour piano de Maurice RavelMESSIAEN OLIVIER / LORIOT-MESSIAEN YVONNE
Analyse des oeuvres pour piano de Maurice Ravel

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Technique de mon langage musical

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