Across Music and the Arts, from Faust to Shahrazad
Livre - Broché
250 pages
45.00 €
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Featuring multidisciplinary research by an international team of leading scholars, this volume addresses the contested aspects of arabesque while exploring its penchant for crossing artistic and cultural boundaries to create new forms. Enthusiastically imported from its Near Eastern sources by European artists, the freely flowing line known as arabesque is a recognizable motif across the arts of painting, music, dance, and literature. From the German Romantics to the Art Nouveau artists, and from Debussy’s compositions to the serpentine choreographies of Loïe Fuller, the chapters in this volume bring together cross-disciplinary perspectives to understand the arabesque across both art historical and musicological discourses.
FLORENCE LAUNAY Les compositrices en France au XIXème siècleMusique
VON DER WEID JEAN-NOËL La musique du XXe siècleGrand pluriel
HUGHES DUFOURT La musique spectrale - Une révolution épistémologiqueMusique & philosophie
KRZYSZTOF MEYER Dimitri ChostakovitchBibliothèque des grands musiciens
PAUL GRIFFITHS Brève histoire de la musique moderneLivre
FRANCOIS PORCILE La belle époque de la musique françaiseLes chemins de la musique
CHIMÈNES MYRIAM DIR. / SIMON YANNICK DIR. La musique à Paris sous l'OccupationMusique
SABINE BÉRARD Musique langage vivant, vol. 3Musique langage vivant, n°3