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The Cambridge companion to Monteverdi - John WHENHAM - Livre

The Cambridge companion to Monteverdi

(livre en anglais)

Livre - Broché

Cambridge University Press

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9780521697989

384 pages

32.50 €
Habituellement expédié sous
2-3 jours

30 jours pour changer d'avis !

Avis clients4.9
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Claudio Monteverdi is one of the most important figures of 'early' music, a composer whose music speaks powerfully and directly to modern audiences. This book, first published in 2007, provides an authoritative treatment of Monteverdi and his music, complementing Paolo Fabbri's standard biography of the composer. Written by leading specialists in the field, it is aimed at students, performers and music-lovers in general and adds significantly to our understanding of Monteverdi's music, his life, and the contexts in which he worked. Chapters offering overviews of his output of sacred, secular and dramatic music are complemented by 'intermedi', in which contributors examine individual works, or sections of works in detail. The book draws extensively on Monteverdi's letters and includes a select discography/videography and a complete list of Monteverdi's works together with an index of first lines and titles.




PARIS : 10 balades sur les pas des compositeurs - Laurence WINTHROPLAURENCE WINTHROP
PARIS : 10 balades sur les pas des compositeurs

Paris utile

Brahms par ses lettres Christophe LOOTEN Livre Les HommesCHRISTOPHE LOOTEN
Brahms par ses lettres

Fondements de la composition musicale - SCHOENBERG - LivreSCHOENBERG
Fondements de la composition musicale

Chopin vu par ses élèves EIGELDINGER Jean-Jacques Livre Les HommesEIGELDINGER JEAN-JACQUES
Chopin vu par ses élèves

Les grandes études historiques
Traité d'harmonie SCHOENBERG Livre Les HommesSCHOENBERG
Traité d'harmonie

Analyse des oeuvres pour piano de Maurice RavelMESSIAEN OLIVIER / LORIOT-MESSIAEN YVONNE
Analyse des oeuvres pour piano de Maurice Ravel

Technique de mon langage musical MESSIAEN Livre Analyse musicaleMESSIAEN
Technique de mon langage musical

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