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Bach : The Brandenburg Concertos - Malcolm BOYD - Livre - Les Hommes

Bach : The Brandenburg Concertos
Malcolm BOYD

New Edition

Livre en anglais

Livre - Broché

Cambridge University Press

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9780521387132

1 vol. (124 p.) - 1993

28.20 €
Habituellement expédié sous
2-3 jours

30 jours pour changer d'avis !

Avis clients4.9
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The Brandenburg Concertos represent a pinnacle in the history of the Baroque concerto, as well as being among the most universally admired of all Bach's works. This fascinating new guide places the concertos in their historical context, investigates their sources, traces their origins and discusses the changing traditions of performance that have affected the way listeners have understood them since Bach's time. The work's rich instrumentarium is carefully described, and a substantial chapter considers each concerto individually, revealing those aspects of their style and structure that make this group of works a unique and towering landmark in the history of the genre.

"It is probably the best and, without much doubt the most constructive and fascinating book of this length on J.S. Bach..."--London Times.




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