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Bach interpretation - John BUTT - Livre - Les Hommes

Bach interpretation

Articulation marks in primary sources of JS Bach
Livre en anglais

Livre - Broché

Cambridge University Press

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9780521031806

296 p.,5.98 (w) x 8.98 (h) x 0.67 (d) - Cambridge - 2006

38.30 €
Habituellement expédié sous
2-3 jours

30 jours pour changer d'avis !

Avis clients4.9
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This study is a comprehensive assessment of J. S. Bach's use of articulation marks (i.e. slurs and dots) in the large body of primary sources. Dr Butt analyses the role of such markings within the compositional process, how they relate to the norms of articulation of the period, and how they might assist us in a deeper understanding and evaluation of Bach's style. With its extensive catalogue of the most common slurring patterns based on a study of over 100 concerted vocal works, this book is invaluable both for performers on all baroque instruments, and for scholars with an interest in Bach's style and source studies. It also contributes to our perception of Bach's position in music history: the purpose of music in the Lutheran Germany of Bach's time and its rhetorical power; the close relationship between composer and performer within the context of 'practical' music; and the functions and development of notation.




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