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The history of violin playing from its origins to 1761

The history of violin playing from its origins to 1761

and its Relationship to the Violin and Violin Music


Livre - Relié

Clarendon Press

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9780198161837

569 pages, frontispiece, 40 pp plates, music examples, 234x156mm - 1965

Cet article n'est plus disponible à la vente.

David Boyden's classic book, first published in 1965, was the first to deal comprehensively with the history of violin playing against the vast panorama of the violin's evolution and the music written for it. Its principal theme is the manner in which the violin was actually played in past centuries, dealing with such practical questions as bowing disciplines in their national and historical evolution, the performance of staccato, the use of vibrato, the meaning of numerous and esoteric performing directions, the notation and performance of double stops, the rules of scordatura playing, and the sound of the violin in early times. Remaining an invaluable source of reference for the performance of early music, this book is now available for the first time in paperback.




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Le violoncelle : ses origines, son histoire, ses interprètesLYSE VÉZINA
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Les grands violonistes du XXe siècle, Tome 1: 1875-1947MOLKHOU JEAN-MICHEL
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L'art de jouer du violon Yehudi MENUHIN Livre Les InstrumentsYEHUDI MENUHIN
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