Music and the Irish Imagination DUBOST Thierry / SLABY Alexandra
Like a Language That We Could All Understand
Livre avec DVD
Presses universitaires de Caen
Référence: F207001 9782841334292
1 vol. (272 p.) ; 22 x 14 cm ; 1 DVD vidéo - 2013
25.00 €
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Irish music holds pride of place among the cultural attributes defining Ireland, and its role in shaping national identity is undisputed. To question these certainties which tend to convey a restrictive notion of a so-called Irish music, the first Irish music studies conference in France, which took place at the université de Caen Basse-Normandie on September 10th-12th, 2008 brought together Irish studies scholars, musicologists and musicians from Ireland and from France. Proceeding from this conference, this collection of essays places itself in the context of the fairly recent development of music studies as an area of scholarship within Irish studies. After an introductory essay by Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin, head of the Irish World Music Academy and chair of Culture Ireland, other articles look at issues such as (re-)defining, instrumentalising, performing, staging and listening to Irish music. In this volume, studies of form, setting, repertoire, political and ideological exploitation and government policy sit alongside explorations of music motifs and themes in literature and on the stage.
CLAUDE ABROMONT Guide de l'analyse musicale Musiques
GONIN FRÉDÉRIC / LE TOUZÉ DENIS Manuel d'analyse harmonique et tonale
ASSELIN PIERRE-YVES Musique et tempérament
MESSIAEN Technique de mon langage musical
GOUTTENOIRE PHILIPPE / GUYE JEAN-PHILIPPE Vocabulaire pratique d'analyse musicale
IVANKA STOÏANOVA Manuel d'analyse musicale, vol. 1 : Les formes classiques simples et complexesMusique ouverte
JOACHIM BURMEISTER Poétique musicaleRythmologies
IVANKA STOÏANOVA Manuel d'analyse musicale, vol. 2 : Variations, sonates, formes cycliquesMusique ouverte