Catalogue of the 1998 exhibition 400 years of violin and bow making in the British Isles
Livre - Relié sous jaquette
416 p - Oxford - 2000
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This book is the complete catalogue of an exhibition organised by the BVMA at the Royal Academy of Music in April 1998, which illustrated the history of British making from the sixteenth century to the present day. Biographical information about over 70 makers is included, as well as descriptions and high quality photographs of all the instruments and bows exhibited. The book covers historical and scientific ground and a level of detail of information about the makers never before published.
over 100 instruments and 60 bows illustrated with high quality, full colour photographs taken especially for this book
measurements and technical descriptions of the illustrated instruments
additional illustrations include trade cards, labels, historical illustrations and maps
biographies of over 70 makers, including many new research findings
hardback with slipcase, 416 pages
Text written by Tim Baker, John Dilworth and Andrew Fairfax, with additional material from Mary Anne Alburger, Philip J. Kass, William Watson and others.
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