Renaissance Music for the Choral Conductor: A Practical Guide SUMMER Robert J.
Livre en anglais
Livre - Broché
Scarecrow Press
260 pages - Lanham - 2012
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61.00 €
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Renaissance Music for the Choral Conductor: A Practical Guide addresses the study and performance of Renaissance music in a way that is understandable to the musician at any level. It describes how to find a good edition, mark scores, rehearse, and conduct this type of music.
It explains complex ideas from proportion to linear analysis and supplies step-by-step instructions on presenting "madrigal dinners"-ideal vehicles for the presentation of Renaissance music. This guide contains traditional toasts, stage directions, lists of appropriate music, and even instruction on selected Renaissance dances. Summer also includes a large number of musical scores to aid in his explanations on marking scores, conducting, and analyzing polyphonic music.
Renaissance Music for the Choral Conductor is the ideal textbook for choral literature and choral conducting classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. It can serve as a reference for anyone who wishes to program and explore music from this period in greater depth, including church musicians and conductors of professional ensembles. The book concludes with a bibliography, glossary, and selected discography
DIEGO ORTIZ Trattado de Glosas (1553) Renaissance et période préclassique - domaine espagnol, 1
OLIVIER TRACHIER Aide-mémoire du contrepoint du XVIème siècle
RIGTRUP MALENE / KJAER MORTEN La dynamique du choeur
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