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Samuel Barber: A Thematic Catalogue of the Complete Works

Samuel Barber: A Thematic Catalogue of the Complete Works
Barbara HEYMAN

Livre en anglais

Livre - Relié sous jaquette

Oxford University Press

Codes EAN, ISBN et ISMN 9780199744640


108.00 €
Habituellement expédié sous
2-3 jours

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Avis clients4.9
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Samuel Barber: A Thematic Catalogue of the Complete Works is the first publication to list the entire musical output of one of the most beloved and frequently performed American composers. In this exhaustive study, renowned Barber biographer Barbara Heyman chronologically lists and details more than 100 published and nearly twice as many unpublished works - some until now unknown. Each entry includes information about first performances, commissions, and the circumstances and inspiration of the composition; the texts of songs; a musical extract containing the opening measures of each work, movement, or major aria; duration, revisions, editions, arrangements, and a select discography of historical and contemporary performances.

The descriptions of manuscript sources provide details about the hundreds of holograph manuscripts, sketches, drafts, and significant publisher's proofs with Barber's corrections. Entries are enhanced by Heyman's extensive commentary, which draws from Barber's correspondence, interviews, and diaries. Useful appendices to the catalogue comprise a register of works by genre; an alphabetical directory of works; an index of first lines of vocal works; a listing by nationality of authors and translators of texts set by Barber; and a comprehensive discography. This thematic catalogue is an invaluable guide for musicians, scholars, and students, providing an essential foundation for any serious study of Barber and his music.




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