Violin: Master works and their interpretation Leopold AUER
Livre - Broché
192 p.,5.20 (w) x 8.30 (h) x 0.50 (d) - New York - 2012
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A renowned violinist and teacher discusses the interpretation of violin repertoire standards, drawing upon 360 musical illustrations and excerpts as well as a lifetime of artistic experience. Suitable for players at all levels, Leopold Auer's dissertation offers suggestions for performance of works by the great composers as well as observations on the techniques of Paganini, Wieniawski, Joachim, and other virtuosos. Helpful hints illuminate the technical minutia of performance, including special bowings, mood and tempo variants, and artistic effects.
Auer begins by introducing the outstanding works of the older Italian violin composers such as Tartini, Corelli, and Vivaldi. He examines Bach's contributions to the repertoire, in addition to works by Mozart, Handel, and Beethoven; innovations by latter-day artists such as Spohr, Vieuxtemps, and Ernst; and the Bruch concertos. Other featured composers include Tchaikovsky, Elgar, Franck, and Sarasate. This classic guide concludes with valuable insights into transcriptions and musical memory.
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