De Clavicordio V : Atti del V Congresso Internazionale sul Clavicordio COLLECTIF
Proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium.
Magnano 5-8 September 2001
Edited by Bernard Brauchli, Alberto Galazzo, Ivan Moody
Livre - Broché
Musica Antica a Magnano
328 pages, 55 illustrations noir et blanc
45.00 €
Habituellement expédié sous 2-3 jours
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Laurence Libin : Two "Travelling" Clavichords by Unknown Makers
Alfons Huber : Mozart's "Reiseclavier"
Michael Zapf : Handing down the Tradition: the Survival of Bach's Finger Technique in an Obscure Nineteenth-Century Clavier Tutor
Bernard Brauchli : The Clavichord as the Key to the Study of all other Keyboard Instruments
Johann Sonnleitner : The Clavichord in the Expanded Tone System
Florian Sonnleitner : The Klavikantal — A new Type of Clavichord in Development
Jörg Gobeli : A Diagram for Visualization and Interpretation of the Intervals of Historical Temperaments
Derek Adlam : Missing Instruments
Grant O'Brien : The Case, Stringing and Fretting of the 1543 Venetian Clavichord by Dominicus Pisaurensis
Paul Simmonds : Embellished Repeats in Late Eighteenth-Century Clavichord Repertoire
John Whitelaw : The Singing Hand
Eva Helenius-Öberg : Musikaliskt Tidsfördrif as a Mirror of Clavichord Culture in Sweden
Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra : Roman and Zellbell: Secular and Sacred Contexts for Improvisation on the Swedish Clavichord
Joel Speerstra : Two Mid-Eighteenth-Century Swedish Clavichords: a Professional Instrument by an Amateur Builder and an Amateur Instrument by a Professional One
Peter Bavington : A Clavichord by Johann David Schiedmayer
Jenny Nex and Lance Whitehead : Three Eighteenth-Century Schools of Clavichord Building: a Comparative Study
Dorthe Falcon Møller : The Clavichord in Denmark — Builders and Instruments
Christopher Hogwood : The Copenhagen Connection: Resources for Clavichord Players in Eighteenth-Century Denmark
Bernard Brauchli : A Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord
Alberto Galazzo : Cumulative Index of Names (Volumes I–V)
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