Performance and Authenticity in the Arts Salim KEMAL
Livre en anglais
Livre - Broché
Cambridge University Press
274 pages - Cambridge - 2010
29.70 €
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This book brings together a distinguished group of scholars from music, drama, poetry, performance art, religion, classics and philosophy to investigate the complex and developing interaction between performance and authenticity in the arts. The volume begins with a perspective on traditional understandings of that relation, examining the crucial role of performance in the Poetics, the marriage of art with religion, the experiences of religious and aesthetic authenticity, and modernist conceptions of authenticity. Several essays then consider music as a performative art. The final essays discuss the link of authenticity to sincerity and truth in poetry, explain how performance, as an authentic feature of poetry, embodies a collective effort, and culminate in a discussion of the dark side of performance - its constant susceptibility to inauthenticity. Together the essays suggest how issues of performance and authenticity enter into consideration of a wide range of the arts.
JACQUES SIRON La Partition IntérieureLivre
BIGAND EMMANUEL (DIR.) Les bienfaits de la musique sur le cerveauCerveau & bien-être
DE LALEU ALIETTE Mozart était une femme : histoire de la musique classique au féminin Documents
BIGAND EMMANUELLE / TILLMANN BARBARA La Symphonie NeuronaleSociété - Quoi de neuf en sciences ?
BOSSEUR JEAN-YVES Du son au signe : histoire de la notation musicalePensée musicale
BEFFA KAROL / PERRY-SALKOW JACQUES Anagrammes à quatre mains
EMMANUEL REIBEL Nature et musique
JACQUES CHAILLEY Cours d'histoire de la musique : Tome 1 vol. 1