Violin varnish - notes and articles from the workshop of Koen Padding Helen MICHETSCHLÄGER
Livre - Relié
relié; livre en anglais; illustré; 144p - 2015
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Introductory articles by John Dilworth and Roger Hargrave give the background to Koen Padding’s varnish research and an overview of his aims in producing the Magister materials.
Chapters by Koen Padding provide detailed information on analysis of classical coatings, varnish application techniques, the use of UV and the influence of alchemy in the understanding of historical manuscripts.
A rational look at the classical Italian coatings
Detailed analysis of the varnish layers on classical instruments including colour photos in UV and VIS
A fresh look at Sacconi’s research
Explaining the illusory effects of classical violin varnish
Interpreting manuscripts and understanding techniques of the past
Early documentation of wood treatment and varnish sources
The Magister varnishing system
Detailed instructions about how to apply each layer in a varnish coating including information about wood treatment, varnishes, pigments and siccatives
Varnish components and formulation
Analysis of the functions of the components of varnish ingredients
Use of ultraviolet sources in lutherie
A practical guide to the safe and effective use of UV light in the workshop
Through thick and thin
Historical evidence for the use of solvents
The use of horsetail
Equisetum for wood finishing
Hatching alchemy from an egg
Analysis of a pigment recipe from the 1580 Paduan Manuscript
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