Celluloid Symphonies: Texts and Contexts in Film Music History / Edition 1 Julie HUBBERT
Livre en anglais
Livre - Relié
University of California Press
Référence: 9780520241015
1 vol., 528 p. - 2011
75.00 €
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Celluloid Symphonies is a unique sourcebook of writings on music for film, bringing together fifty-three critical documents, many previously inaccessible. It includes essays by those who created the music—Max Steiner, Erich Korngold, Jerry Goldsmith, Elmer Bernstein and Howard Shore—and outlines the major trends, aesthetic choices, technological innovations, and commercial pressures that have shaped the relationship between music and film from 1896 to the present. Julie Hubbert’s introductory essays offer a stimulating overview of film history as well as critical context for the close study of these primary documents. In identifying documents that form a written and aesthetic history for film music, Celluloid Symphonies provides an astonishing resource for both film and music scholars and for students.
MAURICE COIGNARD La musique et l'image
GIMELLO-MESPLOMB FRÉDÉRIC (DIR.) Analyser la musique de film : méthodes, pratiques, pédagogie
COLLECTIF Cinéma et musique, accords parfaitsCaméras subjectives
MICHEL CHION La musique au cinéma Les chemins de la musique
MORRICONE ENNIO / DE ROSA ALESSANDRO Ma musique, ma vie : à la recherche de ce son
ROSSI JÉRÔME DIR. La Musique de film en France: courants, spécificités, évolutions
JÉRÔME ROSSI L'analyse de la musique de film : histoire, concepts et méthodes Symétrie recherche. Série 20-21
ALEXANDRE RAVELEAU Musiques de films : une autre histoire du cinéma Chroniques thématiques