Ah, you, wide steppe
Akh vy, seni (the porch song)
Along the peterskaya road
At the gates
Berypula (the birch tree)
Afficher les morceaux...
Biriuzovye kolechki (turquoise bracelets)
Chorny voron (black crow)
Chubchik kutcheravy (curly forelock)
Freylekhs and skotschne
Garmon dance
Kai yo bergi? (where are the mountains?)
Kalinka (the snowball tree)
Korobeiniki (the peddlers)
Mistats' na nebi (the moon in the sky)
Ochi chyornye (dark eyes / les yeux noirs)
Po muromskoi dorozhke (on the murom path)
Sare patrya (all the cards)
Song of the volga boatmen
Stakanchiki granonye (faceted glasses)
Stenka razin
Tonkaia tiabrina (the slender mountain ash)
Ukhar kupets (the dashing merchant)
When we were at war
Yablochko (little apple)