A mighty fortress is our god
Abide with me
All creatures of our god and king
All hail the power of jesus' name
Amazing grace
Afficher les morceaux...
And can it be that i should gain
Battle hymn of the republic
Be thou my vision
Blessed assurance
Crown him with many crowns
Fairest lord jesus
Faith of our fathers
Holy, holy, holy
How firm a foundation
In the garden
It is well with my soul
Jesus paid it all
Just a closer walk with thee
Kum ba yah
My faith looks up to thee
Nearer, my god, to thee
Onward, christian soldiers
Praise to the lord, the almighty
Rock of ages
Stand up, stand up for jesus
Take my life and let it be
The old rugged cross
This is my father's world
To god be the glory
We gather together
Were you there?
What a friend we have in jesus
When i survey the wondrous cross